

Hardboard is similar to particle board and medium-density fiberboard, but is denser and much stronger and harder because it is made out of exploded wood fibers that have been highly compressed. Consequently, the density of hardboard is 31 pounds per cubic foot (500 kg/m3) or more and is usually about 50–65 pounds per cubic foot (800–1,040 kg/m3)Hardboard is produced in either a wet or dry process. The wet process, known as the Mason Method, leaves one smooth side and one textured side, while the dry processed hardboard is smooth on both sides. Masonite is produced using the wet process only.



  • 2440 x 1220
  • 2750 x 1700
  • 3660 x 1830


3mm, 3.2mm, 4.8mm, 6.4mm

Interesting fact:

Masonite is a type of hardboard, a kind of engineered wood, which is made of steam-cooked and pressure-molded wood fibers in a process patented by William H. Mason. It is also called Quartrboard, Isorel, hernit, karlit, torex, treetex and pressboard.

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